Drink This! Big Grove Color TV Double IPA

color tv

Stout weather is surely upon us but IPA season never ends. Here in Eastern Iowa we sure have been spoiled with a bunch of releases from our local breweries as they continue to provide us with delicious beer. 

Yesterday, Big Grove Brewery released a new double IPA called Color TV. Here are the specs on this beer:
7.8% ABV
-Double dry hopped with galaxy hops

I definitely dig me some galaxy hops and this beer was packed full of. Terrific aroma of citrus fruit and the the first sip is instant orange and mandarin flavor. My untappd Rated R description was that his beer is like a bunch of oranges banged it out with your favorite IPA on a bed of clouds. The thing with me and hazy IPAs are sometimes the flavor doesn’t flow from first sip to last drink, Color TV however, does just that. I could have sat at BG in Solon all day yesterday and sipped on this beer. Following Easy Eddy, Big Ed, and with Richard the Whale release on the horizon, it’s hard not to get stoked for anything Big Grove pushes out. 

Eastern Iowa beer lovers rejoice, our local breweries continue to roll and quench our thirst with some of the best beers around and hopefully I’ll see some of you at the Richard the Whale release on December 1st! Drink This! while you can! 

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